You can update your preferences (profile or location) and use relevant filters to find work from home job openings in your preferred profile/location.

All online jobs from home opportunities on GradUp come with a salary range of ₹10073 to ₹98979 per month in India and all work from home internships come with a minimum stipend of INR 1,000 per month.

You can apply for a job on GradUp by following these steps-
1) Click on 'View Details' to get details about the company and the profile.
2) Go through the details thoroughly and apply for jobs where your profile matches the requirements of the company.
3) Click on 'Apply Now' and follow the steps to submit your application.
If you are not registered on GradUp, register yourself today to find your dream job.

Absolutely not! GradUp is a free platform. You don't have to pay anything to apply for jobs on GradUp.

You can find 5,000+ jobs, fresher jobs, part time jobs and work from home jobs vacancies in your preferred location or profile on GradUp.

There are following courses for a placement guarantee -
1)Digital Marketing course with placement
2)Data Science course with placement
3)Full Stack Developer course with placement
4)Product Management course with placement
5)UI UX Design course with placement
6)HR Course with placement
7)Business Development course with placement

GradUp offers a number of certified courses to improve your skill set. Check them out here-
1)Web Development Course
2)Python Course
3)Ethical Hacking Course
4)Java Course
5)UI UX Design Course
6)Digital Marketing Course
7)Data Science Course and many more...